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Our Story

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Hi I'm Angelo Hurtado, CEO and founder of Mountain House Lighting. I'm a Colorado Native, UCCS Graduate, and lover of the outdoors.

As a kid I was always excited to put up Christmas Lights. Something about being  up on the roof top and then after being able to see how much joy and connection the lights brought our friends, family, and neighbors. Installing lights on a home goes far beyond the lights.. Its the childlike awe and wonder, the excitement and joy, bringing light into homes and communities for memories to be made, one bulb at a time. 


The ability to build a business and work towards your dreams, are two things I greatly appreciate about being an American. What business is better than bringing light and joy into the world? In the Fall of 2023 I decided to start an exterior lighting business and I partnered with some friends from college at C & B Lighting to do just that. Fast forward, our first season at Mountain House Lighting is in the books lighting up over 60 homes here in Northern Colorado and receiving  30+ 5 star reviews on Google! Our team of 4 guys had our work cut out for us and are ready to serve and expand.

We will light up over 100 properties by the end of 2024 because we believe in making commercial grade Christmas Lights and Permanent LED Lighting more accessible, while spreading Joy and excitement through out our communities, for all to enjoy.

Meet the Team

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